Our 2011 band photo, taken after we'd played our 3 circles for the day. Quite a happy bunch! (p.s. Larly edited the photo for me. she did an awesome job!!) |
Sunday after World's we slept in, then Mum, Larly and I went to the Falkirk Wheel because I hadn't been before. It was super awesome, and the weather was quite nice (why couldn't it have been that way on the day of World's?), and I just really liked being with my family for a nice day before they left.
Then, Monday, Larly and Mum left. I don't know what I expected, but saying goodbye was harder than I ever imagined. I know it's only for 3 months, but that seems like an eternity right now. I've now skyped with Larly every day since she's been back home, and we've talked for over 2 hours each time. Of course, I'm enjoying hanging out with my friend Chris (who is an Orkila friend, for those of you who don't know), but I massively miss my family and home already. I suppose it's good that I'm homesick already so I don't have a huge bout of it when I get to Prague and begin student teaching. Though, I know I will have another big bout of it a few weeks in to my time there - at least, that's what they tell me.
I'm heading into Edinburgh with Chris in the morning to attend some shows at Fringe Festival. This weekend will be quite uneventful - I'll start repacking, really - and then I head off to Prague on Monday afternoon. I suppose I'll update again once I've reached Prague and have something (hopefully) exciting to talk about.
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