Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Let the Countdown Begin!

T-Minus 17 days until I leave for Scotland (August 6th)
T-Minus 24 days until the World Championships (August 13th)
T-Minus 33 days until I fly to Prague (August 22)
T-Minus 40 days until I begin my student teaching internship (August 29).

Things I've done to prepare for this most epic of trips:
[x] start a blog
[x] buy a one-way ticket to Scotland
[x] buy a one-way ticket from Glasgow to Prague
[x] confirm an airport pick-up when I arrive in Prague
[x] confirm a hostel for the first 7 days I am in Prague
[x] begin moving all of the stuff from my apartment to Mum's garage.

Things I've left to do before departing on this most epic of trips:
[ ] practice, practice, practice with Triumph Street
[ ] compete at Enumclaw
[ ] finish moving out of my apartment, clean it, and return the keys
[ ] pack for my most epic of trips
[ ] dog sit Sparc for a week before I leave
[ ] change my permanent address to Mum's house
[ ] call Bank of America to tell them that I'm going to be gone.
[ ] buy a return ticket home.

That last one is going to have to wait until I get my financial aid award, though. So as of right now, I am still staying in Prague indefinitely. :)

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