Friday, August 19, 2011

The Countdown to Prague

It's begun. I'm in Glasgow, post-World's week. World's week was a full-on blur, with hours of band practice and other piping-related things happening every day. I can't believe how fast it went. And then World's day was even more of a blur (except massed bands, which every year seems to take FOREVER). We won the qualifier (!!!), placed 9th overall (!!!!!!) and got 6th in the medley (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Check out our performances here.

Our 2011 band photo, taken after we'd played our 3 circles for the day. Quite a happy bunch!
(p.s. Larly edited the photo for me. she did an awesome job!!)

Sunday after World's we slept in, then Mum, Larly and I went to the Falkirk Wheel because I hadn't been before. It was super awesome, and the weather was quite nice (why couldn't it have been that way on the day of World's?), and I just really liked being with my family for a nice day before they left.

Then, Monday, Larly and Mum left. I don't know what I expected, but saying goodbye was harder than I ever imagined. I know it's only for 3 months, but that seems like an eternity right now. I've now skyped with Larly every day since she's been back home, and we've talked for over 2 hours each time. Of course, I'm enjoying hanging out with my friend Chris (who is an Orkila friend, for those of you who don't know), but I massively miss my family and home already. I suppose it's good that I'm homesick already so I don't have a huge bout of it when I get to Prague and begin student teaching. Though, I know I will have another big bout of it a few weeks in to my time there - at least, that's what they tell me.

I'm heading into Edinburgh with Chris in the morning to attend some shows at Fringe Festival. This weekend will be quite uneventful - I'll start repacking, really - and then I head off to Prague on Monday afternoon. I suppose I'll update again once I've reached Prague and have something (hopefully) exciting to talk about.

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