Monday, September 5, 2011

Random Musings

Today, I thought a lot. And here are those thoughts, bulleted:

  • Being caught in a downpour (unprepared) sucks. At the same time, I love rain and one day I'll look back at this and think, "Man, I remember that time in Prague where it poured rain on my way home...."
  • I saw a guy on the metro today that looked like one of my favorite authors, John Green, or at least his younger doppelganger. Puff levels were high (that's a Nerdfighter joke, fyi).
  • I have a new favorite expression: "I am a sad person." One of the students in my CT's class, a Russian student actually, said that about something today, and I nearly busted out laughing. I'm using that anytime the situation calls for it.
  • The 'compulsory' Monday and Thursday morning briefings for staff at my school got pushed up to 8am instead of 8:15. I was annoyed by this until I realized that I get to school at 7:50am anyway, so it's not like I have to get up earlier. Uh, duh.
  • I'm really excited that I get to do the starter for my year 7 (6th grade) class tomorrow. Yes, I will be using a Disney song...
  • I successfully gave a student "the look" today. *self high five*
  • I love teaching. Like, rrrreally love it. And, I suppose that's a good thing.

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